What you can expect in the transport sector in 2025
1. Avoidable noise pollution
The list of prohibited noise sources has been updated: With immediate effect, it is expressly prohibited to generate avoidable noise, in particular banging noises, through exhaust systems. Violations are subject to fines of up to CHF 10’000.- the amount of which is determined by the court on a case-by-case basis. Technical manipulation of vehicles remains prohibited. In addition, the existing fines for noise-related violations, such as leaving the engine running unnecessarily, have been increased from CHF 60.- to CHF 80.-.
4. Driving instruction
In future, the theoretical and practical driving test for obtaining a driver’s license for passenger cars and motorcycles will also test candidates’ knowledge of driver assistance and automation systems.
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What you can expect in the transport sector in 2025
Attention: New road traffic regulations will come into force from 2025. Automated driving is permitted under certain conditions in three scenarios, noise regulations have been made stricter and the regulations for low-speed vehicles have been standardized.