Marten damage to the car:

Martens love engine compartments because they are warm, dry and dark. Especially on cold fall or winter nights, it is ideal for martens to sleep in a protected car. Martens take possession of the engine compartment and leave their scent marks. You then drive your car into the quarters of another male marten, which is attracted by the scent marks and tries to remove them. He removes these scents by biting into all the hoses and cables in the engine block. This causes damage to your car.

How do I recognize a marten attack?

Marten attacks are often noticed by ignition problems and uneven engine running. Stop driving as soon as something is wrong. As you do not immediately notice damaged lines or rubber hoses, water and dirt can get into the individual components and cause severe damage to them. In the worst case, the engine could overheat, as water loss occurs due to broken cooling water hoses.

Marten protection car:

There are two safe ways to prevent attacks by small martens. There are companies that sell special metal plates. These plates are placed in the engine block and screwed in place. These plates emit small electric shocks, which are not fatal to martens, but will drive them away. Another way is to wrap all cables in the engine block with hard plastic tubing. Martens cannot bite through these hoses.

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