Have you experienced marten damage on your car? If your vehicle has been attacked by a marten, it is important to visit an auto repair shop immediately, as a marten attack can pose significant dangers. Auto Müller in Volketswil is ready to assist you and take care of your vehicle.
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Martens like warm, dry and dark places. Therefore, especially in winter when the temperature is freezing, a warm engine is suitable, which allows the marten protection from the cold and also serves as a comfortable place to sleep. As a result, martens leave their scent marks in the car. Unsuspectingly, you then drive to the quarters of another male marten. This one is attracted by the scent marks and tries to remove all scent traces of his rival.
What to do?
If you discover marten damage to your car, you should take the following steps:
- Secure the car: make sure the car is not damaged further by closing the hood and locking the car.
- Inform your insurance company: immediately inform your insurance company of the damage and let them advise you on how to proceed.
- Have the damage repaired: Have the damage repaired by a qualified mechanic. The damage may be limited to cables, hoses, insulation or other parts, so it is important to have a professional assess and repair the damage.
- Prevent further damage: try to prevent further damage from martens by parking your car in an enclosed garage or installing a marten deterrent system.
- Remove the attractiveness of the car: martens look for warm and safe places to build their nests, so you should make sure the car is not as attractive to them. This includes removing debris and old newspapers from the engine compartment, closing air vents, putting marten repellent spray or gel in the engine compartment, and using special marten deterrents.
It is important to note that martens typically take some time to build their nests, and the majority of marten damage occurs within a few weeks of the initial incident. Therefore, it is crucial to inspect the car after any damage and take appropriate measures to prevent further harm.